Saturday, April 21, 2012

Sikap Orang Islam Terhadap Hadis Imam Mahdi

Berikut ini beberapa macam sikap orang Islam terhadap isu Imam Mahdi:
  1. Menolak akan adanya Imam Mahdi
  2. Menerima akan adanya Imam Mahdi, namun beranggapan kedatangan Imam Mahdi bukan dalam waktu dekat, jadi tidak perlu terlalu diperhatikan.
  3. Menerima adanya Imam Mahdi dalam waktu dekat, namun pasif saja menunggu kedatangannya. Kalau nanti ada, ya ikut. Kalau belum ada , ya sudah ditunggu saja.
  4. Orang yang memperjuangkan Islam , namun kurang setuju pembahasan Imam Mahdi dalam perjuangan, karena ditakutkan dengan adanya keyakinan terhadap Imam Mahdi, orang akan jadi malas berjuang. Kelompok ini adalah reaksi terhadap nomor #3 di atas. [contoh 1] [contoh 2]. Bagi golongan ini Imam Mahdi dan memperjuangkan Islam adalah dua hal yang tidak dapat digabungkan.
  5. Menerima adanya Imam Mahdi, mempersiapkan diri untuk menerima kedatangannya, memperjuangkan sistem Islam yang diperlukan untuk munculnya Imam Mahdi
Menurut saya sikap seorang Muslim yang seharusnya adalah mempelajari Imam Mahdi berdasarkan informasi dari Al Quran & Al Hadits, kemudian dari situ menentukan sikap yang seharusnya dikerjakan. Dari analisa yang telah saya lakukan, datangnya Imam Mahdi tidak akan lama lagi, jadi sikap yang sebaiknya dilakukan adalah point nomor #5.
Jika ilmu kurang dan semangat juang tidak ada, paling banter orang akan mengerjakan point #3. Jika semangat juang ada, dan gemes terhadap orang yang bersikap fatalistik (#3) , maka orang akan ambil posisi nomor #4.
Daripada mengerjakan point #4, tentunya lebih baik point #5, karena perjuangan yang dikerjakan akan lebih lengkap & menyeluruh. Point #5 umum dikerjakan orang Syiah, namun jarang di golongan Sunni. Satu dua saja orang Sunni yang berjuang dengan membawa isu Imam Mahdi.
Contoh Sunni yang memperjuangkan Imam Mahdi adalah Abuya Ashaari Muhammad at Tamimi, yang dengan jemaahnya mempersiapkan kedatangan Imam Mahdi dengan cara memperbaiki diri agar layak menjadi pengikut Imam Mahdi, serta mempersiapkan sistem-sistem Islam yang diperlukan untuk kedatangan Imam Mahdi.
Moga-moga kita dirizkikan menikmati zaman pemerintahan Imam Mahdi yang sangat
dipenuhi keadilan dan sangat jauh dari kezaliman. Amiin.


1 comment:


    No. 1708 | FEBRUARY 6, 2008

    Palestinian Cleric Issa Badwan: The Mahdi Was Born in Palestine Four Years... Ago; Muslim Conquest of Rome Is Imminent

    Following are excerpts from an interview with Palestinian cleric Issa Badwan, which aired on Al-Aqsa TV on February 6, 2008.

    Issa Badwan: Someone who is well known and whom I trust - there is no need to mention his name - told me that four years ago, when he was driving his car, he saw an old woman, who stopped him and asked him to take her to hospital, so she could pick up her daughter, who had just given birth. He did her a favor and took her there, and waited for an hour at the entrance. The woman came out, with her daughter and grandson, and when they got into the car, the baby started talking, and said: "Peace and Allah's mercy upon you." They greeted him back.

    Interviewer: The newborn baby?

    Issa Badwan: Yes, the baby. The baby said... This is what the man told me, and we reported this to Sheik Nizar and to the Islamic Scholars Association... The newborn baby said: "I am the man who will be killed [sic] by the Antichrist, who will not rule over anyone again." According to the Prophet's hadith, this man [the Mahdi] would be 18-20 years old. These are good tidings.

    Of course, the coming of the Antichrist will be preceded by the conquests of Rome in Italy, and Constantinople, like the Prophet told us. These places will be conquered only by the righteous Mahdi. The Mahdi is from Palestine, as conveyed by Mu'adh bin Jabal, Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas, and Abdullah bin Mas'ud, who were all great imams and scholars.

    Interviewer: Is anyone following what�s going on with this child?

    Issa Badwan: Yes, now his identity is known, and the brothers follow and take good care of him. I would like to convey to the people, as well as to the scholars, that these are times of victory, with the grace of Allah, that the promised Mahdi lives among us, that the people of Palestine will be the standard bearers, who will carry this religion forth and spread its guidance and light.

    people, as well as to the scholars, that these are times of victory, with the grace of Allah, that the promised Mahdi lives among us, that the people of Palestine will be the standard bearers, who will carry this religion forth and spread its guidance and light.


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